Here it is, the book announcement / cover reveal for my new collection of flash horror fiction, 20,000 Bloody Words. I’m in love with the cover, which was created by fellow New Zealand-based horror / dark fiction author Tabatha Wood.
The book will be released on August 25th and I’m planning to go wide with this release (instead of being tied to Amazon only) which means libraries can order copies if people could be so kind as to request it (nudge nudge).
Here’s the back cover blurb:
Greetings dear reader,
You are cordially invited to…
WANDER through the wasteland of a fresh apocalypse on the hunt for the most precious commodity.
JOIN in a bloody ritual to awaken an ancient God.
WITNESS an Old West gunfight for the ages.
HITCH a ride to the Drive-In for a bloody double feature.
LEARN how to make the best damn compost in the Southern Hemisphere!
There’s something for everyone in these pages - as long as you’re not afraid of a little blood.
These stories may be bite-sized, but they also bite…
Get bloody on August 25th!
