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Book Review: Black Pills by Garth Jones
When Aussie (transplanted to Aotearoa) author Garth Jones offered me an early look at his latest short story collection Black Pills , I...

31 Days of Horror - Days 1 - 4
Day 1: Oddity (2024) Kicking off 31 days of horror with this new Shudder release. Irish filmmaker Damien McCarthy is 2 for 2 in my...

Starship Troopers (1997): Paul Verhoeven's brilliant blend of sci-fi, horror, and satire.
The only good bug is a dead bug. Paul Verhoeven is a straight-up mad genius, the kind we don’t get enough of anymore. Verhoeven was...

Maximum Overdrive (1986): maximum Stephen King
This wild dose of Maximum King is a coked out whirlwind of sentient machines gore and pure unadulterated fun. Maximum Overdrive is often...

Rock'n'Fkn'Roll: Queens Of The Stone Age at TSB Arena, Wellington 1/3/24
On 1st March this year, I got to see Queens of the Stone Age again for the second time after first seeing them in Melbourne on the Era...

Rock'N'Fkn'Roll: Reigniting My Love Of Old School Kiwi Rockers Head Like A Hole
The other week I was asked if I could review Homegrown, the all-NZ music festival in Wellington. Unfortunately, it was a last-minute...

Film review: Alex Garland's A24 thriller 'Civil War' (2024)
Alex Garland’s fourth film, and third with indie slash major film studio A24, has already kicked up a fuss in the States before its...

Film review: Tremors (1990)
I first caught Tremors in the cinema back in 1990 and dug it, but was kinda bummed that the amazing creature on the poster was nowhere to...

Book review: The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
The Exorcist is one of those books I’d put off reading for many years, mainly because the film is so ubiquitous and all-encompassing that...

Swamp Meet: A Cult & Collectibles Market
Beware the Moon & Boneface Tavern present... Swamp Meet! Rock on down to Boneface Tavern on Sunday March 10th, as we unleash our first...

Giallo January
After burning myself out on 31 Days of Halloween viewings last October, I took a more relaxed approach to January Giallo, managing 11...

Review: Dario Argento - Panico
Sticking with the Italian / Argento theme of last month's January Giallo, I watched the new documentary on the Maestro Dario Argento...

Short Story: The Beach House
Below, you will find a new short story, The Beach House, which in its original 350-word form was a finalist in the Australian Writer’s...

I watch more old films and rewatches than new releases in any given year. This isn’t due to any aversion to modern cinema, I just can’t...

Top 6 Books I Read This Year:
I managed to read 30 books this year, less than last year but I’m fine with that - my only real goal is to read a good mix of books from...

Night of the Yule Goat: Xmas horror story
Hey its Christmas already! So here is my Xmas horror story 'Night of the Yule Goat' which can also be found in my book '20,000 Bloody...

BOOK REVIEW: Grey Noise by Marcus Hawke
The latest novella from Marcus Hawke details the downward spiral of one Evan Grey after he finds an old CRT TV set, which begins altering...

31 Days of Halloween Week 4 Reviewed
Doom Asylum (1987) Wow, this piece of 80s trash is my kind of what the fuckery. A group of overacting teens (including Sex & The City’s...

31 Days of Halloween Week 3 reviewed
The Strangers: Prey At Night (2018) Week three of Halloween month kicks off with this mean-spirited, neon-drenched throwback slasher with...

31 Days of Halloween Week 2 Reviewed
The Lords of Salem (2012) Week 2 of 31 days of Halloween begins with The Lords of Salem. I’ve always thought of Rob Zombie as a talented...

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